Saturday, August 27, 2011


I almost forgot that I needed to post a photo. I was reminded while at the Pacific coast this afternoon. Btw, the coast is really nice. We're camping near San Diego, so I can't use my normal workflow to edit my photos. Here it is, straight out of the camera:

Yeah idk it's not that great but oh well I guess.

I want to go surfing.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Hey hey, you get two photos this week! The only post-processing done on these is a small contrast boost.



Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm bad. I know. Here's last week's photo:


Saturday, August 6, 2011


My my, I waited until the very end... somehow not surprising. I shot a bunch of pics of this tree within a few minutes last night, and this afternoon I slid some sliders and called it good. So yes a quick job but it should suffice:   (Oh whoops, I did not slide the sliders as much as bump them with the arrow keys. #minor-detail)

juniper berries

I just discovered that no links work in the post preview. Now it looks like I can link to the large images after all…

Anyway…     [Thus awkwardly ends his post. We hope he will do better next time…]

Monday, August 1, 2011

In my last post I told you not to expect much besides photographs. I did not mean to indicate that I don't want to post anything else, only that I intend to post photos for sure. Indeed, I shall take at least one photo every calendar week for a month, and post it here. After a month, I don't suppose there will be any reason to quit. If I don't do this, I will not take enough photographs. (Yes, that is also to say that I have not been taking enough.) To start things off, here are a couple photos: (No they were not taken this week)
I boosted the contrast and saturation a bit; also a small amount of sharpening. Think that's it.

This one's straight from the camera, unless I made a mistake. (Except that I scaled it down)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hello World!

[Edit: 07/28/11 6:58 PM -- Spelling correction :P ]

This post represents the beginning of a renewed attempt at blogging. Expect photographs. Don't expect too much more than that though. More to come.

(Note: this blog may move or experience any number of other changes. You've been warned.)